Friday, February 27, 2009

The Captain expands to DVD reviews!

I'm pleased to announce a new facet to the Captain's offerings: Starting next week, I'll be writing a weekly DVD column for the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, the largest of my client newspapers.

It will consist of a short review of a new DVD release that week, critiquing the movie itself but also the package of extras that come with it. I'm quite excited about it, and hope to expand the column to other clients down the line.

First up will be "Australia" starring Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman.

While I'm taking care of some bookkeeping business, I should probably say something about why my stuff has never appeared in the Louisville Courier-Journal, as I announced it would back in December with a post titled, "Hello, Louie!" Short version: Their freelance money dried up completely, just a few days before my reviews were supposed to start appearing. I contemplated making a new post called, "Goodbye, Louie!" but thought that might be in poor taste. Plus, we hope to renew the arrangement should the financial horizon ever brighten.

That's the life of a freelancer.

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